If you are having trouble putting in contact lenses you have come to the right place. This article will give you some helpful tips and tricks to make sure you get the job done properly.

Check that the lens is right-side out

If you are going to wear contact lenses, it is important to check that the lens is right-side out before putting them in. This is so that you can avoid the risk of experiencing blurry vision or damaging your eyes. There are a number of different ways to check for the correct orientation.

One of the easiest ways to check is by examining the shape of the lens. The correct side will be a curved profile with edges that meet up. You'll also notice a neat and unflared rim.

Another way to tell if the lens is in the right orientation is to look for a laser marking. Laser markings are typically found on the edges of a lens. These markings are usually numbers, letters or symbols. Some contact lenses even have special symbols. Depending on your lens, the marking may be visible only from one side.

To test for the correct orientation, hold the lens in your hand. The edge of the lens should be a semi-circle with a lip. It is also a good idea to look for any flaring on the edges.

Check if your contact lens feels uncomfortable

Putting on contact lenses can be a hassle. You have to make sure they fit right, that they don't fall out, and that they aren't getting dirty. In addition, you should also follow some guidelines on how to care for them.

You should also be aware that some contacts are made of a material that can cause mild to serious irritation. If you experience this, you may want to contact your eye doctor or optometrist.

In order to prevent this from occurring, it is important to properly clean and store your contact lenses. Doing this can alleviate some of the discomfort you are experiencing and help them last longer.

The first step to cleaning your contacts is to make sure you use the correct tools. A lint-free towel is ideal for this. Also, you should rinse your contact lenses with a saline solution.

While you are cleaning your lenses, you should also be careful not to poke or scratch them. This can lead to irritation and possibly infection.

Avoid rubbing your eyes

Rubbing your eyes can be a reflex, but too much rubbing can be bad for your eyes. It can be uncomfortable and even painful, and it can cause infections. If you are a habitual rubbing eyer, or if you are using contact lenses, make sure you wash your hands with soap and water before rubbing your eyes.

Dry eyes can cause dark circles. Rubbing your eyes with dirty hands can spread germs to your eye, which can lead to an infection. Also, rubbing your eyes with dirty lenses can damage your cornea.

If you have dry eyes, your body is not producing enough tears. To help keep your eyes moist and to mitigate the itchiness, you may need to use eye drops. You can also get a warm compress to ease the irritation.

Some people have allergic reactions to pollen and other allergens. Eye allergies can be treated with antihistamines or mast cell stabilizers. Other irritants can cause similar symptoms to allergy-related eye irritation.
